National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi
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18.03.2014International co-operation and book exchange

Throughout 2014 National Library of Uzbekistan supported regular book and periodicals exchange with following world libraries:

1. The Library of Congress of USA
2. National Parliamentary Library of Japan (National Diet Library)
3. National Library and Archives of Egypt
4. National Library of Azerbaijan named after M.F. Akhundov
5. National Academic Library of Kazakhstan
6. Russian State Library
7. National Russian Library
8. Institution of Science and Social Information of Academy of Sciences of Russia
9. State Public Science and Technical Library of Siberian Branch of Academy of Sciences of Russia
10. Toyo Bunko Library of Japan
11. National Library of Belarus
12. National Library of the Republic of Moldova

In order to enrich library funds and spread more information about the culture, art and history of Uzbekistan the National Library also supported noncurrent book exchange with National Libraries of France, Czech Republic, India and Vietnam, libraries of Asiatic Museum of Warsaw and Ferenc Hopp Museum of Eastern Asiatic Art, Budapest.

In summer 2014 after signing the Memorandum of Cooperation between National Library and Central Library of Kyoung Hee University (South Korea), group of library specialists from Uzbekistan undergone training in the Library of Kyoung Hee University.

Within the scope of interaction with international organizations as UNICEF, UNESCO Representative in Uzbekistan, UNESCO National Committee, Goethe-Institute Tashkent, the British Council, UNDP, JICO, The Embassy of USA, The Embassy of Israel the Embassy of The Republic of South Korea and The Embassy of Republic of Azerbaijan various events of 3rd Information Library Week INFOLIB 2014 were organized.

In December 2014 on the National Library of Korea’s initiative and with the support of The Embassy of the Republic of South Korea the new reading room “Window on Korea” was implemented on the 4th Floor of National Library. By virtue of “Window of Korea” library’s fund was enriched by variegated books and informational resources dedicated to history, language, culture and arts of Korea.

New arrivals